September 24, 2008

A Long Time Coming...

So, last week, I was able to do something that should have been done 5 years and 4 months ago...put my specialized, personalized, Renelle-icized license plates on my awesome car. When I traded in my super-rad Ford Escort (*sniff, sniff*), I, of course, took my plates off before I handed her in. BUT, I never put them on my sparkly, shiny new car (back then). So, after searching and wondering where they have been all these years, Mike was able to find them hidden away in his garage and he handed them back over to me! :) I promptly made an appointment at the dreaded DMV to see if I could still use these plates. I did NOT know that you are required to pay a fee just to "hang on" to or "retain" them, if you will, and you also have to pay a fee to "reassign" them to your new car. Needless to say, after two trips to the DMV, sitting next to people that were super-weird in the DMV, waiting in lines, and well over $150 to get these bad boys back in action...I was successful and they went on as soon as I drove home and was able to get my hands on a screwdriver. :) Here's a pic...
Yay for my uubercool plates! Thought I'd share my happiness with ya! :0)

September 16, 2008

I know, I know...I'm so bad at this...

Okay...So I really need some reminders to do this on a consistent basis. I do have good intentions and take pictures all the time with the intent on posting them on this blog...but I never actually sit down and do it. Well, now that the summer is (almost) over and the family is back into the swing of things, I'd like to do more updates. Here's the latest on us...

Cole started preschool on Sept. 8th! I can't believe the day really came, but it did and I'm so proud of my big boy. I ended up staying the entire time with him on his first day so he could get acquainted with everything and by the second day, he was off and running...literally! Here are a few pics from that historic first day...

Cheeseball!!!! :)

Fun with playdough...what's with the face, dude?!
So precise...
Mama helping the preschooler with his all-important cubbie page...
We decided to do our funny faces for the camera...YIKES!

Off to stamp art time... hmmm, which one should I choose...Cole's favorite part of the day so far...SNACK TIME!
"Hang on to the donut rope kids...
...because we're off to the park!"
Park time with his new buddies!!

Sand is so cool...Cole loves the so long he was afraid when he went in them. Now he reminds me (or his teacher) that he's slowing down. When she pushed him way up high, he replied with, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" :)
Cole, Miss Anita, Miss Laura, and the rest of the kiddos in the class!
Circle Time!
What a fun time this is going to be! I'm looking forward to helping out in the class. I have signed up for about 6 days that I'll be helping. It should be loads of fun. And I really think Cole's going to enjoy the interaction with his buddies and the teachers!

Cole recently learned how to draw happy faces and this was the result of the first try on a page. I think it's quite good! :)

So there you have's been a crazy four weeks! Emilie, Brice and I sang in a trio at church 2 weekends ago with the choir and had a wonderful time praising our Lord! We've had some good family evenings involving great food and fun card playing. We've enjoyed the nice weather we had last week. And we're excited to see what Fall brings to the table!