Hi everyone...we got a bug! A computer bug that is. Our computer crashed a week and a half ago and it's been so incredibly annoying! I didn't realize how much I use the computer until it was gone. I'm up at my parent's house checking my emails and doing my online banking and thought I would update the blog. Everything has been going okay for the last week or so. Cole has been sick pretty much non-stop since we got back from Solvang. First it was bad case of diarrhea (sorry, I know it's gross) and then because of that, he got an incredibly bad diaper rash that actually made his little bum bleed! It was SO sad. Now he has a cold of sorts. This morning he woke up with a fever of 102.5. My poor boy. I've got to get him better!
A major praise...I believe I have finally found something to do to make some mula. I will be watching a friend of mine from Enterprise's son. The parents are Eric and Stacy and their little guy, Justin Eric, was born on Thanksgiving Day 2005. He will be 4 months on Friday and Stacy's maternity leave is just about up. I think I'll be watching him starting April 3rd. Yeah for some money finally coming in from me. Hopefully this will be a great way to make some cash and have a buddy for Cole to play with and learn to share and what not...
Mike is at school tonight learning more things to put in that big old brain of his!
Hope all is going well with everyone. A couple of notes....
A big
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Shaun Sawyer who turned 27 on Monday and another big
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Debra Perkins who turned 24 on the same day!! I wish both of you many happy days to come!!! You are both great friends and we pray that the Lord blesses this next year! And also, a big
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Aunt Diana whose age shall remain anonymous :) who celebrated hers on the same day as well!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my cousin Steve and his beautiful wife Morna. They celebrated their 2nd anniversary on the 20th! They are due with their 1st baby in June and we can't wait to meet the little one!